The FAR Out Plan (Flexible grouping for Advancement and Remediation) is a process to periodically flexibly group students in ELA and Math across houses. After a math unit, or at regular intervals in ELA, PLCs will split 7th and 8th grade ELA and Math students based on classroom performance and Fastbridge scores. Those groups will then meet to work on targeted interventions or enrichment, based on data from the unit or alignment with the Fastbridge Assessment
RMS CIP identified math and reading Fastbridge scores as areas for growth, with a goal of improving each by 5%. Flexible grouping allows teachers to tailor instruction to meet the diverse needs of RMS students. By grouping students based on their ability, teachers can provide targeted support to address specific learning gaps or provide advancement opportunities. Flexible groups are dynamic and, through frequent assessment, can be regrouped based on progress. This adaptability ensures that students receive appropriate challenges and support, “just right” learning. Flexible grouping matches tasks with student ability, promoting engagement and motivation. This approach ensures that all students have the opportunity to thrive. Flexible grouping empowers teachers to respond to student progress and personalize instruction, ultimately contributing to improved math and reading performance.
ELA: Will flexibility group students by their level of mastery of Reading standards identified as areas of weakness in Fastbridge data along with classroom performance. Teachers will develop lessons to target those Reading standards and provide accelerated remediation, strategic teaching/practice of important skills, or “releasing the top”. Accelerated remediation content will focus on students more than 2 grade levels behind in the cycle's target area. Strategic teaching/practicing will be for those students at, or almost at, grade level on the standard. “Releasing the top” will focus on enrichment for those students ready to be challenged. Lessons will be run for a 4-week cycle and then students will be regrouped to focus on the next standard and the process will repeat.
Will flexibly group students by their level of mastery on unit summative assessments. For 2 consecutive days following a summative assessment and provide accelerated remediation, strategic teaching/practice of important skills, or “releasing the top”. Accelerated remediation is intended to help those students more than 2-grade levels behind in standards necessary for the upcoming unit. Strategic teaching/practicing content will be directly tied to areas of weakness from the previous unit summative. “Releasing the top” should be treated as an advanced math option for students to better prepare them for the advanced Math 1 course at RHS. Students will be regrouped after each unit summative.
1. Weekly during Win, alternating 7th and 8th grade for 8 weeks. Teachers should alternate 7th and 8th graders on the M, W, F and T, Th schedule
2. Tuesday afternoons (during shortened ELA blocks) alternating 7th and 8th grade for 8 weeks
3. Every Tuesday for both 7th and 8th Grade during ELA for 4 weeks
Immediately following a unit test for 2 consecutive days
*The FAR Out Plan logo was developed with help from Microsoft Copilot AI and represents the infinite pathways our students can take as they progress through RMS and beyond.